Dog Food

All About Cold Pressed Dog Food: Pro/Cons & Comparison


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cold pressed dog food in a bowl

Hey dog lovers! You might be wondering about the optimal nutrition of your furry companions. The term “cold pressed” is gaining a lot of popularity in the modern world for all the right reasons. If you are keen on offering your canine bestie a diet that goes beyond the conventional, then this article is your guide to understanding what cold-pressed food is.

Today, in the market, you can find a huge variety when it comes to dog foods. Honestly, at times it becomes really hard to choose between what is right and what is wrong. So keeping the same concept in mind, this article is all about cold-pressed foods and what are the benefits that you can get hold of while utilizing them.

Let us first get a grip on the term “cold pressed”. It refers to something that is pressed at a low temperature. Why is this pressure needed? It is needed because the aim is to quickly remove as much liquid as possible. It is the same as fresh juices and oils, as they too are placed in a large hydraulic press so that the liquid is removed and you are left with a solid material.

Now, what is cold-pressed dog food?

Exactly what is meant by cold-pressed dog food?

Cold-pressed food is exactly what is mentioned in the box. It is pressed at a low temperature which helps in retaining all the essential nutrients from the ingredients and makes it easier for your dog to digest. It is compact and sturdy and comes in smaller sizes for easy packing. It is believed to produce a more nutritious diet for dogs because it preserves more of the nutrients.

Cold-pressed dog food is a representation of a contemporary and nutritionally advanced approach towards canine nutrition. This is also because the process of its manufacturing involves minimal heat and pressure compared to the traditional methods. Cold-pressed foods are relatively new compared to the others but their popularity is increasing day by day. There is a certain level of processing that is involved in their manufacturing but the final stage is less intensive than methods like extrusion.

How is cold-pressed dog food made?

Let me show you the brief overview of the production of cold-pressed food. Below are the steps that will help you in understanding the whole process

Selection of ingredients:

The first and foremost step is to carefully select the best ingredients. High-quality raw materials such as meat, vegetables, and grains are selected because of their nutritional value. The formulations typically avoid fillers and artificial additives which is a plus point.

The mixing process:

Cold pressed dog food mixing in a machine

The selected ingredients are precisely measured so that there is a well-balanced blend that is up to the nutritional requirements for dogs. The emphasis is often on achieving the right ratio of nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc. You might be wondering why is this mixing important though.

This is because it has to be ensured that there is a uniform distribution of nutrients throughout.

Cold pressing:

Cold Pressing machine

Here comes the major part of the process. This method is very different from traditional methods like extrusion. In this process, instead of high temperatures, low temperatures are preferred and this feature defines the whole process. Why is the low temperature needed though? The low-temperature approach is very gentle on the ingredients which minimises the loss of nutrients during production. This helps in preserving heat-sensitive nutrients such as vitamins and enzymes.

Pellets formation:

Pellets for cold pressed food formation

The mixture that is formed in the stages above is now shaped into bite-sized pellets. These pellets are dense and crunchy, and they provides a satisfying texture that helps in prompting the natural chewing behavior in dogs. This texture is also very helpful when it comes to encouraging the dental health of your dog, which can further help in reducing plaque and tartar.

Quality measures:

cold pressed food in a hand for quality check

Throughout the process of production, strong quality measures are implemented, strictly. This also includes proper testing. The batch testing makes sure that each batch meets the specified nutritional standards and it ensures that there is no contamination.


This is the last step in the production. Once the food is properly processed, it is promptly packaged to preserve freshness and prevent exposure to external elements. Further, you can see that there are storage guidelines that are provided to the users. Proper storage of the food is essential to prevent spoilage which ensures the longevity of the food.

At what temperature, cold-pressed dog food is manufactured?

The temperatures for the manufacturing of cold pressed dog foods are limited to 45 to 80ºC and in the process, no steam is used. The different process is evident at first glance because the pellets are physically bearing a greater resemblance to the original ingredients. Because of this, pet owners who like to give their dogs a near-natural diet, choose cold-pressed dry food more often.

How cold press process is different from traditional kibble?

Cold-pressed dog food is known to be produced at lower temperatures compared to kibble, which is made through extrusion and involves steam and much higher heat levels. Ingredients are mixed with cold water and then pressed to create the kibble shape. Another major difference that you might notice is that the kibble starts to swell in size and floats to the top, whereas cold-pressed will break down from the outside and settle at the bottom of the glass. This tells that the cold-pressed food is nutritionally dense and packed with wholesome, healthy ingredients.

Cold-pressed dog food Vs. Kibble:

Let’s have a quick look at the major differences between cold-pressed dog food and kibble that you can easily spot. The table below can help you in understanding how both are different things.

Cold pressed
Processing at low temperature.
Extrusion involving high temperature.
Gentle pressure.
High pressure.
High retention of nutrients.
Less retention of nutrients.
Dense and crunchy texture.
Various textures.
Potentially improved digestibility.
Well-tolerated by dogs.
Gradual transition.
Standard feeding recommendations.
Premium pricing.
Various price points.

Another way of differentiating between both of these is when you soak them both in water. The traditional dry foods are even hard to get mixed with the water. They usually bloat. Whereas the cold pressed dog food quickly breakdowns. Now, imagine that how they both react when they reach your dog’s stomach. Let’s have a look below:

soak kibble and cold food to check which dissolve better

In the image above, you can see that both of these foods are soaked in water. The water here is mimicking the stomach of your dog, you can add a bit of vinegar too create a somewhat similar environment. Now, let’s see what happens.

dry food didn’t break easily but  cold pressed dog food got dissolved

In this image you can clearly see that the dry food didn’t breakdown easily. It did bloat a little but it didn’t get dissolved properly. While in the glass beside, you can easily notice that the cold pressed dog food got easily dissolved.

Now, you can easily tell that which of the foods is easier to digest for your dog and which one is not. The cold pressed foods are made in a way that they make digestion, a lot easier for your canine friend. When your dog’s food is good, their stomach stays healthy.

Is cold-pressed dog food as easy to feed as traditional dry food?

Yes! Cold-pressed dog food is great for dog owners who require quick and convenient feeding. It is very easy to work with. Another advantage is that is more rich in nutrients and helps a lot when it comes to digestibility. This also boosts the feeding process and dogs love to go for it.

Can I feed cold pressed with raw?

cold pressed food with raw food

Yes, you can unlike kibble, which you should not be feeding in the same bowl as raw due to the risk of your dog’s stomach knotting because of the different rates at which they break down. Because of this, the cold pressed is great to be fed alongside raw. If you’re a raw feeder, cold-pressed dog food can also be a very great dry alternative to raw because they break down at the same rate. Also, you can even feed the two together in the same bowl!

Is cold-pressed food raw? How does it compare to raw?

No, raw and cold-pressed dog food are different things. However, both share a commitment when it comes to preserving the natural integrity of ingredients. The processing methods for both of the foods are what make them different from each other. Cold-pressed dog food goes under processing at low temperatures whereas raw dog food is not cooked or processed at high temperatures, it constitutes raw.

Is cold-pressed food better?

Yes, Cold-pressed food is nutritionally dense and comes with wholesome, healthy ingredients. The food has a larger ‘calorie density’, which means that less food is required to be fed especially when compared with kibble. However, it is crucial to consult with your veterinarian to determine the most appropriate diet for your specific canine companion, as factors like age, health status, and dietary sensitivities play a crucial role in selecting the right foods.

Benefits of cold-pressed dog food

What are benefits of cold-pressed dog food

There is a wide range of benefits that cold-pressed dog food offers. These benefits set it apart from traditional dog food options. For this, it is very important to understand the advantages of choosing cold-pressed dog formulations. I have gathered some of them below for you.

Preservation of nutrients:

This is a benefit that you will find mentioned almost everywhere. Now you know that the cold pressed dog foods are formulated under the low temperature. This is primarily needed because it helps in retaining nutrients. Foods processed at high temperatures are usually known to lose their essence. Through cold-pressed dog foods, essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and amino acids can be utilized for natural integrity. This helps in promoting a more nutritionally dense meal for your dog. Thus cold pressed food is more efficient in preserving the right nutrients for your companion.

Enhanced bioavailability:

One advantage of cold-pressed foods is that the nutrients in which these formulations are retained are more bioavailable. This means that they are in a form that is more readily absorbed by the digestive system of your canine friend. Why is it helpful? It is helpful because it enhances the utilization of nutrients and overall supports the health of your dog.


You know that there is minimal processing in cold-pressed food production. This helps the dog food to improve digestibility for your dog. Along with that, the high-quality ingredients add up as well. Another way of putting it is that dogs that are sensitive or have any allergies, may find this option gentle for their digestive systems. However, this is something in which you should consult a professional first.

Joint and Muscle Health:

It is said that cold-pressed food formulations prioritize the use of high-quality proteins. Why is it important? It is important because protein from quality sources helps in promoting joint and muscle health. This thing can be very beneficial for dogs that have any health concerns, including arthritis or muscle-related issues.

Dental health:

You have read already that the cold pressed food has a dense and crunchy texture. This texture helps a lot in encouraging a natural chewing action. This is important because it can contribute to the dental health of your canine friend by reducing plaque or tartar buildup, and promoting healthier gums and diet.

Quality Ingredients:

The ingredients picked for cold-pressed dog food have a strong emphasis on quality. The major focus is on the meat content, as it aligns with a dog’s carnivorous nature. This focus on quality ingredients contributes to a balanced and wholesome diet. This way, your canine friend can have a better and more nutritious diet.

Reduced fillers and additives:

One major con of commercial pet food that is highlighted almost everywhere is the use of additives. When it comes to cold-pressed food, they often exclude fillers and artificial additives commonly found in some traditional dog foods. This is very helpful for you as this results in a cleaner and more natural option for pet owners who seek a pure diet for their dogs. So, if you are looking for the same, you can think about it.

Texture variety:

You have read that cold-pressed food comes in a dense and crunchy texture that is appealing for your dogs so they can enjoy a satisfying chew. The variety in textures can entice picky eaters, making mealtime more enjoyable for your canine companion.


You know that cold-pressed dog food is known for providing balanced nutrition. This is something that makes it suitable for dogs of almost all life stages. This feature makes this food versatile and makes it a convenient option for households with dogs of different ages and sizes. This can help you a lot in saving your efforts.


Cold-pressed dog food is also beneficial as it is appealing to a lot of pet owners especially those who are extremely health-conscious about their canine friends. The premium quality of ingredients and the innovative production make cold-pressed dog food a very attractive choice for dog owners who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs.

Is cold-pressed food hypoallergenic?

Yes, cold-pressed foods are unlikely to cause any allergic reaction for your dog. They are a good option because most of them are made from just a few, high-quality ingredients which reduces the likelihood of a reaction. So, cold-pressed foods are very much safer.

Does cold-pressed food help dogs with sensitive digestive systems?

2 dogs eating food in separate 2 bowls

Yes, it can be very helpful for dogs that have sensitive stomachs. This is because the ingredients are more carefully picked. Also, it is known for releasing nutrients more slowly and breaking down from the outside hence it helps guard against the risk of bloating.

cold pressed food in hand

You know that cold-pressed food is gaining a lot of popularity and you know the benefits. However, questions about the cons of this food might be lingering in your head. So you need to know the cons of these foods as well. I have gathered a few of them below.


The first and foremost con that is often highlighted is the cost of these foods. Cold-pressed dog food is often priced at a premium compared to traditional kibble which is cheaper. The quality of ingredients and the specialized production process contribute to the higher cost. This is because the production process is different and unique compared to the processing of other dog foods, which not only makes these foods nutritious but at the same time expensive.  

Limited availability:

You have seen that kibble is a lot more traditional compared to cold-pressed dog foods. You may find a huge variety and brands for buying kibble but when it comes to cold-pressed dog food, you may see that it is not as readily available. This limited availability of this food can be a very serious drawback for those who are looking for methods that are time-saving and convenient.

One thing that you and I have noticed is that the dogs are known for enjoying crunchy texture. When it comes to cold-pressed foods, the crunchy texture is loved by many dogs, whereas some dogs may have different preferences for textures. Especially those who are stubborn and known to be picky eaters, might not readily accept this type of dog food.

Transitioning challenges:

When it comes to switching from traditional foods the cold-pressed dog foods, it needs a lot of patience. Switching towards cold-pressed dog foods from a different diet, requires you to go for a gradual transition. This is because some dogs may experience digestive changes during this adjustment period. So, you have to be patient and careful.

Storage considerations:

When it comes to storing cold-pressed foods, you can face a major challenge. This is because the cold pressed foods go through minimal processing which makes them sensitive to the storage conditions. Proper storage of these foods, away from heat and moisture, is needed for maintaining their freshness.

Shelf life of cold pressed dog food?

If you compare cold-pressed food to other types of food, cold-pressed dry food usually has a shorter shelf life, which is often only around 6 months. This can be a big limitation when it comes to stocking up and planning dog nutrition.

Tips for choosing the right cold processed food for your dog

Tips for choosing the right cold processed food for your dog

Choosing the right food for your dog is like finding the perfect treat that can make their day. Based on my own experiences of choosing, with the tips given below, I’m sure that you will find it easy to find the right food for your dog. Let’s have a look at them.

Final words

Finally, I will say that cold-pressed foods are still very much new to the game but they are gaining a lot of popularity. They are balanced and nutritious which makes them the ideal choice for so many pet owners. However, when it comes to choosing the right food for your dog, you must consult a professional, always! So, that your best friend can safely enjoy their meals. Have a good day!

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About Adam

Adam has been a fervent dog enthusiast since his early days with his beloved pet, Tiger. Recognizing a gap in unbiased dog product reviews in the UK, Adam embarked on a mission to bridge this divide. With the invaluable expertise of Dr. Emily Smith, a seasoned veterinarian, they collaboratively endeavor to provide dog owners with trustworthy information and reviews. Together, they strive to ensure every canine receives the care and love they truly deserve.

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