Dog Food, Wet Dog Food

The 14 Major Disadvantages Of Wet Dog Food


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Wet dog food disadvantages

You might be worried about the downsides of wet dog food or you might be thinking of transitioning your dog towards wet food. Well, in both cases, this post will be helpful for you.

You must be aware that all foods have some kinds of cons related to them, whether they are dry or wet. However, based on the time that you can invest and your dog’s requirements, you must be aware of the weakest points of different foods.

This article is all about the downsides of wet dog food so that you are aware and your pet’s health is better. Let’s have a read!

Why do people go for wet foods?

a close up of a can of wet dog food on a table

Well, wet foods are known to have several major advantages that dry foods don’t have. For instance, wet foods are more palatable, are more rich in moisture, and are known to have more protein compared to dry dog foods. However, there are just common conceptions about these foods. These can be some major advantages but in the long run, these foods have some cons too, which is the major topic of our concern.

Disadvantages of wet dog food

a person holding a spoon in a can of wet dog food to check its texture

All foods have some kind of downsides related to them. Thus, you cannot ignore them all the time because the health of your dog is more important. You don’t have to worry much about it because I have done some research to make it convenient for you. Below you can find about the downsides related to wet dog food.

1- Elevated Cost:

Budget is one of the factors that every pet owner cares about. Based on my own experiences throughout my friends circle, I can tell that budget is what most of us owners are always concerned about. Wet dog food is more expensive than dry kibble because of factors like production processes, packaging, and moisture content. This is the reason that some pet owners may not be able to afford it because you have to purchase it regularly.

2- Limited Shelf Life:

This is another factor that is important especially if you have to keep your effort and budget into account. I have discussed my habit of hoarding food at home in several other posts. This is all because of the shortage of time. Also, I know many pet owners who have to follow busy schedules and they have no other option than to opt for storing food. Wet dog food is known to have a shorter shelf life when it is opened and needs to be eaten quickly to avoid spoiling, therefore quantity control and storage procedures must be carefully considered. The food is also prone to go bad pretty quickly, i.e., it turns moldy or has a sour smell. So, for this, it is better if you opt for smaller cans. But they can be costly.

3- Less Convenience:

Because of the ease and convenience of so many things today, we have turned last and for that, we look for things that are easier to deal with. Keeping in mind the same thought, compared to the ease of scooping dry kibble, handling and serving wet dog food requires more time and attention. This may present problems for pet owners with hectic schedules. Thus, your focus and observation are much needed in this case. Especially if you are mixing wet food with any other kind of dog food, you might find it challenging to create accurate portions. However, this is something that needs practice and it does get better with time.

4- Dental Health Concerns:

A can of wet food with Soft texture and no hardness.

According to surveys, 8 out of 10 pets in the UK are known to have dental problems. This is one of the major health concerns among the pets. A lot of foods and practices are responsible for this but we have to take wet food into account as well. If wet dog food isn’t combined with extra dental care procedures, it may exacerbate dental problems because it doesn’t have the same abrasive texture that helps reduce plaque and tartar development on a dog’s teeth. In simple words, when your dog chews something that has a hard and dry texture, it helps them to keep their teeth healthy. This is the major reason that dogs are fed with bones, whereas soft foods do not provide you with such benefits. .

5- Nutritional Variability:

You must be aware of the fact that different food brands have different formulas and thus you have to calculate the nutritional value every time you change the brand for your dog’s food. Wet dog food’s nutritional makeup can also differ between brands and formulas, so it’s important to carefully check labels to be sure your dog’s needs are being fulfilled. You may also need to switch brands to guarantee your dog is getting a balanced diet.

6- Weight and Storage Issues:

Compared to small bags of dry kibble, the bulkiness of cans or pouches of wet dog food can cause storage issues, especially for pet owners with limited space. Dry food, in this case, is a lot more convenient, you just have to find someplace where there is no humidity and your dog’s food is safer there. This, on the other hand, does not apply to wet food. You have to struggle a bit more for it’s perfectly situated. They may also be less convenient for transportation as well. For instance, the heat while traveling can turn the food bad.

7- Allergies and Sensitivities:

Allergies in dogs are very common in the UK. It is thought that more than 10 percent of dogs annually report having some kind of allergy and these are just the registered cases. Certain components often present in wet dog food may cause allergies or sensitivities in some dogs, so selecting the food carefully and keeping an eye out for negative reactions are necessary. However, this is not only the case for wet dog food as your dog can be insensitive to other foods but again you have to be very careful. In extreme cases, hypoallergenic foods are also a solution for your dog’s health.

8- BPA and wet food:

Researches show that wet dog food is known to have BPA. Dogs that eat wet food may experience their BPA turning triple in just two weeks of food intake. Now, if you aren’t aware of the harms of BPA, then let me tell you that exposure to BPA is linked with increased blood pressure, neurological problems, and in severe cases, cancer. This is among the major health concerns that you should be running away from such foods. And thus, only opt for brands that are approved by the UK pet authorities only.

9- Distasteful Odour:

If you run away from weird odors, then wet food can be a problem for you as well. Many pet owners dislike the texture and smell of the food and thus avoid using it. Compared to dry kibble, wet dog food frequently has a harsher, less enticing fragrance, which may bother pet owners who are allergic to certain scents or who live in small areas.

10- Messy Eating:

Messy and watery wet dog food.

Dogs who eat wet food may spatter and spill more during mealtimes, possibly necessitating more regular maintenance and cleanup. So, this is something that can increase your work. Especially if you are a person with a busy schedules, wet dog food might not be an option for you.

11- Texture Limitations:

Dogs used to a diversity of textures in their diet may not be satisfied with the uniform softness that wet dog food offers. This is because different dogs have different needs and habits. With some effort, you can break many of their habits but sometimes you can do nothing about them. This reminds me of my friend’s dog who is a picky eater and avoids wet food, just because it isn’t hard. This can be the case for anybody.

12- Environmental Impact:

Research found that a 10kg dog eating about 500 calories a day of dry food would result in 828kg of CO2 emissions a year, but 6,541kg of CO2 a year when fed with a wet diet. So, here you can see that compared to dry kibble, the preparation and packing of wet dog food may have a greater environmental impact, resulting in waste production and resource consumption. Some companies are now following different guidelines to have less and less ecological footprint but again, this is something for you to research yourself which brand has less impact.

13- Difficulty with Portion Control:

The wet dog food is known to have a different texture and there is a lot of moisture content in it. Thus, measuring and regulating portions of wet dog food can be more difficult. If this is not closely watched, there is a greater chance of overfeeding or underfeeding. This again needs you to put more effort compared to the dry dog food.

14- Not Suitable for Free-feeding:

One of the major reasons that pet owners go for dry dog food is that they don’t necessarily have to follow a precise timetable while feeding their dogs. Wet food on the other hand requires following scheduled feeding schedules. This is because it cannot be left out for prolonged periods, unlike dry kibble, because of the risk of spoiling and bacterial growth. It can go bad pretty quickly and thus, to save your money, you have to put in more effort.

You can further have a quick look at the pros and cons of wet dog food in this video.

Dog eating wet food curiously from a wooden table.

Well, this is something that depends on the individual efforts that you are willing to put in. For instance, if you can provide more time for your pet’s food, wet dog food won’t be a big problem for you. Similarly, the problems related to its impacts and nutrition can also be solved if you are opting for a reliable brand. They can be costly but can help you a lot. Some pet owners go for mixing wet food with dry kibble. This way they get the advantages of hydration related to wet food and at the same time they can provide their dog with the dental benefits of hard foods. Thus, in the end, it all depends on how efficient you can be for your pet.

Consultation with the vets

Whenever, you are about to make some changes to your dog’s diet, or you are looking for new kinds of foods, it is better if you consult with your vet. This is because they can provide you with more personalized guidance as each dog has different kinds of requirements depending upon their age, weight, etc.

Final words

Finally, I’ll say that, just like other foods, there are downsides to wet dog foods as well. So, whenever you are about to make decisions, compare the different kinds of foods and make sure that you go with the one that is more convenient for your pet. You should also keep your budget and your ease in mind as well.

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About Adam

Adam has been a fervent dog enthusiast since his early days with his beloved pet, Tiger. Recognizing a gap in unbiased dog product reviews in the UK, Adam embarked on a mission to bridge this divide. With the invaluable expertise of Dr. Emily Smith, a seasoned veterinarian, they collaboratively endeavor to provide dog owners with trustworthy information and reviews. Together, they strive to ensure every canine receives the care and love they truly deserve.

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