Dog Food, Raw Dog Food

What can I mix with raw dog food? 10 Ingredients & Checklist


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A mixed balanced diet
with raw food

When it comes to raw dog food, many dog owners think that the raw food is enough for their pets. However, when it comes to the nutritional value of the food, raw dog food is not fully enough for your dog. You need to have a complete and balanced diet for your dog which explains why you are here today.

There are many benefits of raw dog food that cannot be ignored but at the same time, we cannot say that it can solely stand as a fully nutritious meal. So, this thing often confuses a lot of pet owners about which foods can go with the raw foods so that their pets stay healthy. Let’s have a look at most of the possibilities.

Why do you have to mix raw dog food?

A complete nutritious meal for your dog needs to have all the required nutrients that they need. However, raw food cannot be considered fully nutritious and will always have some gaps. To fill those gaps and make your dog’s meal complete, you have to opt for mixing some other things with it. One reason is also that the raw dog food is not very budget-friendly. So, if you still want to feed your dog some healthy food, you can mix something else with it. Another factor can be if your dog has some allergies, in that case, you might also have to go for some mixed diets as prescribed by your vet.

So, what can you mix with raw dog food?

Mixing different foods with raw food is a task that depends on your and your pet’s preferences. There is a vast variety of foods that can be added with raw dog food and they all can work with different combinations for you. So, let’s have a look!

The raw meats:

Well, raw meat is considered the best form of raw dog food. However, it too can be categorized and you can choose according to the nutritional values that are best for your dog. First, we have lean proteins such as skinless chicken, turkey, lean beef, lamb, etc. These are rich sources of proteins for your dog. They are also very rich in amino acids.

skinless chicken, turkey, lean beef, lamb

Then we have the organ meat. Meat from different organs has different kinds of nutritional values and they can be great at providing your dog with the best possible nutrients. These organs usually include liver, kidney, heart, etc. They are rich in vitamins and are full of minerals. At the same time, these organs have essential nutrients like iron and B vitamins.

Then we have the fish meat which can also be fed to your dog. These fish include salmon, boneless sardines, etc. Why is fish important though? Well, they are known to be rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are helpful for the skin, coat, and joint health of your dog. This way you can choose from a variety of raw meat so that your dog’s health is at its best.


Different fruits and vegetables mixed with raw dog food

Pumpkins are known to be rich sources of vitamins A and C. They can be a good addition to your dog’s food. They also have minerals like potassium that can help you boost your nutritional values. They are also known to have high fiber content which can be helpful for your dog’s digestive system. The fiber helps in digesting the food. If your pet is facing problems like diarrhea, you can go for pumpkin as it will also add up as a relief.


Carrots can be a great snack for your dog. They are not very expensive and are not very high in calories. Instead of rewarding your pet with cookies and other snacks, you can opt for carrots which are a much healthier option for your pet. One major thing that you have to keep in mind is that you should chop the carrots in smaller portions for your dog so that there are no choking hazards involved.


Raw egg and fish with raw dog food

Eggs are known to be rich sources of proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, and fatty acids. They help a lot in improving your dog’s overall health. They are among those sources of nutrition that are a lot safer. Now the question arises, should you be cooking them or not? It can be questioned based on personal preferences but let me tell you raw eggs are always better than those that are cooked. The eggs that get cooked remove some benefits such as amino acids and this pushes the raw eggs to a higher level. So, you should try your best to feed your dog with raw eggs. Also, keep this factor in mind that not all dogs will be fine with eggs. Some have to avoid eggs due to several medical conditions. Sometimes too much usage of eggs becomes a cause of overweight for your dog. Thus, it is always important to consult your vet first before making any changes to your dog’s food.

Bone broth:

This can be another addition to your raw food. Bone broth is known to be abundant in glucosamine. This acts as a hormone for your dog’s cells so that they can create protective collagen around your pet’s tendons, ligaments, and joints. Bone broth is also helpful with blood flow because of arginine. It helps in making the progression of blood smooth through the arteries and veins. Thus, this way it helps in preventing problems such as clogging of arteries. If you are looking for foods to increase the platelet levels of your dog, you can go for bone broth as it contains glycine and proline that will help in the process. Further, you can add bone broth to enhance the flavor of your pet’s food. It can help you in encouraging them to eat better food that is rich in nutrients.

Sweet potatoes:

Sweet potatoes can be beneficial to your dog because of their high fiber content. Fibre is very much required in digesting foods and it helps in improving the efficiency of your dog’s digestive system so that there are fewer problems for your dog. They are also high in vitamins A and C which are beneficial for healthy eyes, muscles, skin, nerves, and boosting the immune system. 


Oatmeal is another rich source of fiber for your pet. It also contains a lot of nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, etc. If you are looking for alternatives to grains and wheat, then oatmeal can be your dog’s great companion. They are also known for having vitamin B and omega-6 fatty acids. Other than these they aid in improving the skin and coat of your dog. If you are looking for an alternative to carbohydrates, then oatmeal can be a great solution for you. It can also be beneficial for adding extra protein.

Raw fruits:

There is a wide variety of raw fruits that you can choose for mixing with your dog’s raw food. These fruits are known to be rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, etc and at the same time, they are a lot low in calories. You can add these fruits as snacks as well. Fruits such as blueberries, apples, etc can be good for your dog. You can opt for steaming or cooking them lightly so that they are easily digestible for your dog.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is known for containing healthy fats and it also has antibacterial properties. It is widely considered safe for dogs. It consists of medium-chain fatty acids which are its unique feature and they also make it suitable for your pet’s health. This helps your pet to naturally combat poor breath, weight gain problems, and several infections. Especially if your dog is facing some skin ailments, you can also apply this oil to the dry regions of their skin.


To further improve the nutrition of your dog’s food, you can opt for adding supplements. However, this is something that you have to consult with your vet first. There are many supplements out there both in natural form and processed for your dog. For instance, you can make use of fish oils as they are very much beneficial. There are supplements based on calcium but use them only if you don’t have other sources of calcium. Some people opt for goat milk as well but dairy products are to be used with a bit of caution. Then there is broccoli and there are dried berries that you can add in small amounts. You can also add probiotic supplements as they help a lot in digestive health and create a balance in your dog’s gut. Further, there are multivitamins as well. Again, I will say that this is something that needs some extra caution and attention, so do make sure to consult with your vet first.

Can you mix raw dog food with kibble?

Kibbkle mixed with raw dog food

Many dog owners are concerned about this because both kibble and raw dog food get digested at different rates. However, you can still mix them both. So, yes, it is fine to mix raw food and kibble. The stomach of your dog is well built to handle both of the foods together. Their digestive system is efficient and it doesn’t differentiate between what is kibble and what is raw. Some myths always keep circulating but they are not supported with enough practical evidence.

Can you mix human food with raw dog food?

Yes, you can mix raw dog food with human food. Many veterinarians recommend pet owners add vegetables and fruits to their dog’s food which can be helpful. However, before making any sudden changes to your dog’s diet, it is important to consult some friends and professionals.

Further, you can also mix cooked food with raw dog food if you are not fully sure about feeding your dog with completely raw food.

Checklist before mixing foods?

You need to make sure that your dog’s body can gain all of the required nutrients. However, at the same time, you have to be cautious about a lot of things so that there is no burden on your dog’s stomach and your dog stays healthy. Based on my own experiences, I have enlisted some of the things for you to be sure about.

  1. Make sure that there is a proper balance of nutrients in your dog’s food. Be sure that the essential nutrients are according to their age, size, and health conditions, and that there is no imbalance.
  2. You should be aware of your dog’s allergies and then decide about the right foods for them. This is important because some foods are known to trigger many adverse reactions so it is better to be aware of them beforehand.
  3. With the help of your vet, make a list of harmful foods for your dog and avoid them at every cost. Always be double sure about any new foods for your dog so that there is nothing much to worry about.
  4. Be sure that there is a proper balance in the ratio of nutrients like calcium and phosphorus. Their imbalance can affect your dog’s bone health.
  5. Always try to buy the best products for your dog according to your budget. Do some research before choosing any brand. You can easily surf through the internet and read reviews of several users which can be helpful.
  6. Always pay attention to your dog’s responses while eating new foods. Monitor the stool quality. Monitor their moods and behavior. These things can tell you a lot if a food combination is good for your dog or not.
  7. Be hygienic and always practice the defined health guidelines for preparing your dog’s food. Through such little effort, you can keep many serious diseases at bay.
  8. Whenever you are introducing something new to your dog, opt for a gradual introduction. This is because your dog won’t do well during a sudden change and this can create digestive issues for them. 
  9. Always avoid overfeeding. There should always be a balance. Especially if your dog is prone to weight gain, monitor their diet requirements.
  10. Lastly I will say that never hesitate to reach out to your friends and professionals. Trust me they can help you a lot.


To conclude, I will say that it is important to create a balance of nutrients for your dog’s food. So, you can opt for a variety of options out there for mixing the foods. However, whenever you are about to make changes in your dog’s food, always take some vet advice and do proper research.

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About Adam

Adam has been a fervent dog enthusiast since his early days with his beloved pet, Tiger. Recognizing a gap in unbiased dog product reviews in the UK, Adam embarked on a mission to bridge this divide. With the invaluable expertise of Dr. Emily Smith, a seasoned veterinarian, they collaboratively endeavor to provide dog owners with trustworthy information and reviews. Together, they strive to ensure every canine receives the care and love they truly deserve.

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