If your dog snatches food from the table surface and eats it, you rush to take it back from him because of the toxicity of that food. Some foods are bad, while some are poisonous for dogs that can kill your beloved friend. So, before feeding any human product or food, you must make sure that food is safe for the dog. In this article, with my prolonged experience in nourishing so many dogs, I provide all dog owners with the food they must keep away from their dogs at any cost.
Common & significant toxic foods for dogs

What foods are toxic to dogs? Here is a handy list of all that foods.
1- Fruits toxic to dogs
Not all of the fruits are good for the furry companion. Some contain toxicity in pits, some in cover, and some in flesh, too. Here are the toxic fruits that are a big no for dogs.
Grapes and raisins
The culprit behind grape and raisin toxicity is still a mystery. Theories point to tartaric acid, a natural component in grapes, as a possible cause due to canine sensitivity. All parts of the grape or raisin, including the flesh, seeds, and skin, can be poisonous and cause kidney failure, less urination, renal failure, or, most-frequent thirst in dogs.
All raisin forms like currants and Sultanas are forbidden for dogs, while grape-seed extract or grape pomace could be given in very small quantities to dogs.
Cherries contain cyanide compounds that can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities. While one or two may seem harmless, the risk of cyanide poisoning is a serious concern. You can feed the flesh in less quantity but not as a whole, as there is a risk of swallowing a pit.
Avocado contains a fungicidal toxin called Persin, which significantly harms dogs and causes Persin toxicity, resulting in vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, it can damage the heart muscle. The significant risk lies in the pit or skin, not in an avocado’s flesh. What do you find the worst part of avocado for dogs? My dog is in a healthy condition, and I enjoy avocado flesh as a treat and have nothing with it but always see your dog’s condition.
Star fruit
Star fruit or Carambola contains high levels of soluble calcium oxalate crystals. A dog’s intestines can absorb these crystals and bind with calcium in the body, which comes with symptoms of kidney failure and sudden drop in calcium levels that cause muscle tremors and weakness. So, it is advisable to avoid that fruit from dogs.
However, persimmons are OK for dogs if in a small amount or just on their skin. The high quantity is insufficient and not too toxic for dogs, but it creates stomach issues.
Every fruit, in moderation, can be good for dogs’ health, but it should be without its pits and seeds like apricot seed, apple seed, peach pit, and mango pit.
Citrus fruits
Lemons, limes, and grapefruits are not necessarily toxic to dogs, but they can cause an upset stomach. The citric acid in these fruits can irritate a dog’s digestive system.
2- Vegetables toxic to dogs
Indeed, some veggies can be rotten for dogs if they are even given in less quantity.
Onion, garlic, chives, and leeks
Onion, garlic, chives, or leeks are all vegetables that belong to the Allium family and contain N-propyl disulfide and Thiosulfate. This substance can damage a dog’s red blood cells and lead to anaemia. Keep onions, garlic, and foods containing them (such as soups, sauces, and seasonings) away from your dog because onion & garlic toxicity leads to bloating stomach, diarrhoea, pale gums, and rapid breathing.
Also, keep garlic supplements away from dogs, as they may harm them severely.
Mushrooms or toadstools are considered toxic, but the wild mushroom type is more poisonous for dogs. The toxicity level depends on what species or types of mushroom your dog is eating, but it can cause liver failure, blood vomiting, organ failure, or sometimes death. The results of eating mushrooms can appear within 2-3 hours but sometimes after 2-3 days.
Green tomatoes
Ripe tomatoes are usually not harmful to dogs in small amounts. However, unripe tomatoes and tomato plants contain solanine, just like green potatoes, and can be toxic. It affects the digestion of food and nervous systems, causing weakness, tremors, and confusion in dogs.
All parts of the rhubarb plant, including the leaves and stalks, contain oxalic acid, which can be poisonous if ingested by dogs. Oxalic acid affects the dog’s throat and mouth and causes calcium binding, resulting in kidney failure, blood while urinating, drooling, and tremors.
Eggplant is not a lousy vegetable for dogs as it is low in solanine, but if given in large quantities, it is not cooked correctly, or your dog has an allergy to it. It creates digestive problems in dogs.
While baked or boiled potatoes are generally safe for dogs in small amounts, green potatoes and potato stems & leaves contain solanine. This toxin can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness, and weakness.
3- Drinks toxic to dogs

Keep the listed drinks away from dogs.
Alcohol contains ethanol that is absorbed rapidly by the digestive system, and even a tiny amount of it can be dangerous for a dog. The severity of alcohol poisoning depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, the size of the dog, and the dog’s overall health. Expert says 8mm of pure alcohol per kg weight can lead a dog to death within 12-24 hours. Its results in dogs are:
- Liver, kidney, or heart damage
- Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Impact on the central nervous system results in incoordination, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.
Caffeine (Tea, Coffee, & energy drinks)
Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks all contain caffeine, which is a stimulant that can be toxic to dogs. Caffeine can cause hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, seizures, and poor bladder control in dogs.
Milk & dairy products
Most dogs are lactose-intolerant, which means they lack enzymes that work for the digestion of milk and dairy products in the body, and their over ddgdfconsumption can cause gastrointestinal problems. You can replace the regular milk with lactose-free cow milk, goat’s milk, or dog milk replacer formula milk for puppies and adult dogs.
Grape or other citrus juices
As with grapes, all parts are toxic to dogs; its juice may also cause loss of appetite, less urination, increased thirst, and diarrhoea. Other citrus juices like limes or lemons can irritate the intestines.
As more sugar in these juices may cause dental issues and weight gain in dogs, move towards plain water intake to keep them hydrated.
4- Nuts toxic to dogs
There are particular foods (nuts) toxic to dogs, including;
Macadamia nuts
The world’s expensive nuts contain hydrogen cyanide and high amounts of fat, making them toxic to dogs. Even a bite of one nut can be toxic for them, and its consequences are:
- Panting
- Weakness due to diarrhoea
- Temporary paralyzing
- Vomiting
- Depression
- Over-heating
- Reduce muscle strength
Walnuts, especially black walnuts, are toxic in the sense that the whole piece at once creates choking problems that lead to intestinal blockage and stomach and tummy issues.
They are wrong if dogs eat more than two to three as they are heavy to digest, predominantly by small dogs or dogs with upset stomachs. But, as a treat to avoid swallowing hazards, you can give snacks made with almond flour to dogs as they have nutritional benefits.
There are more than nine benefits of pecans for humans but is this safe for dogs? No, it contains a toxin called juglone, a naturally occurring compound found in all parts of the pecan, including the nut itself, the husk, and even the leaves of the pecan tree. Juglone and mould aspects in pecans cause issues like muscle weakness and liver damage that can be overcome by replacing them with the dog’s safest nuts like peanuts, cashews, and pine nuts.
Brazil nuts
Dogs may have intestinal distress due to the high-fat content of Brazil nuts. Excessive consumption can cause more severe issues like pancreatitis.
5- Food toxic to dogs with spices or herbs

Some foods are toxic to dogs when they contain spices, herbs, or other ingredients.
more salt intake causes sodium poisoning in dogs, which comes with symptoms of diarrhoea, hypernatremia, loss of appetite, less urination, coma, heart issues, high BP, and painful urination. An expert says 2.2 tsp of salt per pound or 4 grams per kg of body weight salt intake can cause depression, increase body weight, and is sometimes fatal for dogs.
Nutmeg contains volatile oil, proteins, fats, starch, mucilage, and myristicin; the last one is toxic to dogs and can cause hallucinations, rapid heartbeat, and high blood pressure. Small amounts might only cause digestive upset.
Chilli powder
Typically, this spice blend consists of various spices, garlic powder, and chilli peppers. Chilli peppers contain capsaicin, which can irritate a dog’s digestive tract and result in vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain.
Oregano & mint
Oregano and mint are safe options, as like good if taken in moderate quantities, but they become toxic to dogs if ingested in large amounts and make their abdominal work upshot.
6- Chocolate
Chocolate is the favourite of humans, but can dogs have chocolate as a treat? No, this is toxic to dogs as it has theobromine that causes sweating, trembling, and severe headaches if consumed in high doses. The formula is simple: the more darker chocolate there is, the higher the chances of toxicity. The methylxanthines in chocolate can cause kidney issues, internal bleeding, hyperactivity, and diarrhoea in dogs. You can give a bite or two of white or milk chocolate as a treat to your furry fellow, as it is not too bad for his health.
7- Corn on the cob
Sweetcorn for dogs is good, but corn on the cob should not be given to them at any cost because it is toxic, as if it gets stuck in the throat or stomach. My friend’s dog suddenly ate corn on the cob, impeding his throat. He had to be rushed to the vet, who induced vomiting. Fortunately, the dog survived, but the vet prescribed him a special diet for the rest of his life due to minor surgery.
Oregano and mint are safe options, as like good if taken in moderate quantities, but they become toxic to dogs if ingested in large amounts and make their abdominal work upshot.
8- Bread dough
Bread dough is harmful to dogs because of two-fold risks in it. As the yeast ferments, it produces alcohol. Dogs cannot metabolize alcohol efficiently, and even a tiny amount can lead to alcohol poisoning. Moreover, the dough rises, which decreases the blood supply to the stomach and heart, which will interfere with breathing and cause bloating in dogs. The symptoms include:
- A distended or bloated abdomen
- Excessive drooling
- Vomiting (may or may not include dough)
- Pain in the abdominal area
- Difficulty breathing
- Listlessness or weakness
Note: Mould on the bread, yogurt, fruit, cheese, and vegetables are also toxic for dogs. If you see any mould on the bread, throw it away and never try to reuse it.
9- Haggis
Can dogs eat haggis? It is a Scottish dish that humans can enjoy, but it is super toxic for dogs.
10- Bacon
Typically, the belly part of pork, called bacon, should be avoided even when treated as it is highly toxic because of its high salt, fat, and sodium content, which can cause stomach issues and inflammation of pancreatitis.
11- Hot dogs
Another corrosive human food that is toxic to dogs is hot dogs. The sodium nitrate causes cancer, seasoning and flavour causes digestive problems, whining, vomiting, and lethargy. Small dogs or ill dogs should be 100 miles away from these foods.
12-Salty snacks
Salty snacks include roasted chickpeas, prawn crackers , popcorn, chips, and pretzels that can be lethal for dogs if given as regular food. They contain high salt and fat, which causes stomach cancer, Osteoporosis (a bone disease), oedema or swelling, kidney damage, and hypertension in dogs of all ages.
13- Xylitol (Artificial sweetener)
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener commonly used in sugar-free products and can be highly toxic to dogs. Even small amounts can cause serious health problems. It can actively be absorbed in the blood and release insulin, which leads to hypoglycaemia (blood glucose concentration of less than 3.3 mmol/L (60mg/dL) in dogs. The symptoms include:
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Tremors
- Disorientation
- Seizures
- Coma
- Liver failure
- Blood clotting disorder
- Hypoglycemia
- Difficult to move
This artificial sweetener is found in chewing gums, toothpaste, sugar-free candy & mint, dried drinks & syrups, peanut butter, and cookies, brownies, and cakes. If your dog unintentionally eats any of the listed things, immediately feed him glucose or take him to the nearest vet.
14- Cooked bones
Cooked bones pose multiple risks to a dog’s health. As you cook the bone, all the moisture finishes from it, making it more brittle and dry, causing severe injury to the throat and windpipe. The negative symptoms or impacts of cooked bones include constipation, blockage, internal bleeding, infection, and peritonitis in dogs. Alternatively, raw dog food can have multiple benefits , such as commercial chew toys, raw bones, and dental chews for dogs.
15- Other toxic things for dogs
Along with some fruits, veggies, and nuts, these foods are also dangerous for dogs.
- Blue cheese
- Ice-cream
- Mustard seeds
- Peanut butter
- Tobacco
- Hops (a plant mainly used to make beer)
- Cannabis leaves (greenish-yellow that are a big no for dogs)
- Cat food (these foods contain higher protein, amino acids, and minerals that can cause obesity and pancreatitis inflammation in dogs.)
- Cold-pressed citrus oil
- Human medications (These over-the-counter medications are toxic for dogs:
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol, pain relief)
- Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve).
- Decongestants
- Antidepressants
- Human Birth Control
- Sleeping pills
- Topical Creams and Ointments
- Anti-diabetics
what should I do if my dog eats toxic food?
If your dog eats any of the above toxic food, what should you do?
- Identify the toxin: Look for wrappers, containers, or remnants of the toxic substance.
- Call your vet or immediately visit the nearest vet. Call 0202 509000 or visit animalpoisonline.co.uk in an emergency.
- Monitor symptoms like vomiting, severe diarrhoea, drooling, abdominal pain, cramps, difficulty breathing, and seizures.
- Don’t induce your dog to vomit until the vet performs it if he considers it necessary.
- Provide essential information to your vet like:
- Which toxin thing does your dog eat, brand name, etc?
- How much quantity did he eat it up?
- What is the breed and age of your dog?
- When he eats that toxin food, 30 minutes or one day ago, etc.
- What drastic symptoms is he showing?
- Is this the first time your pet has been exposed to this toxin?
- Prevent future incidents by concealing all the toxic food away from the reach of a dog.
Last up
There are toxic foods for dogs (U.K.) that can put your dog at risk of death, so avoid showing, eating, or giving as a treat all these bad foods to dogs that are actually good for you but bad for your four-legged friend.